- Wild Chia Seeds are a super food. They’re made up of protein, fat and dietary fibre. Plus there’s a heap of minerals including calcium, magnesium, iron, and phosphorous.
- They are high in fibre. About 20% of the fibre contained in Chia seeds is soluble. The beauty of soluble fibre is that it promotes a healthy digestive system by feeding the good microbes in your gut.
- Wild Chia seeds also reduce inflammation, normalize blood pressure.
- 20% of chia seed is good quality protein (contains all essential amino acids) which makes it a great substitute for meat-less meals and hence a protein substitute in vegetarian diets.
- Wild Chia seeds supports heart health. They are rich in healthy omega-3 fatty acids and contain more alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) which is anti-inflammatory helping support the cell membranes and may stop cholesterol from getting too high.